As a busy recruiter at FPR Group I view many LinkedIn profiles every single day, some are really eye catching and great, others are, how shall I put it…. not so good! So, to help you stand out from the crowd and help you land your next dream job here are my 5 top tips to make your profile the best it can be!
1) Get your photo right
Don’t underestimate the importance of a clear, crisp professional photograph. Let’s face it (excuse the pun!) we live in an increasingly visual world. A strong front facing photo can convey to potential employers’ positivity, a “can do” attitude (which all employers like) and a strong sense of professionalism. So, take your time in selecting a photo of yourself which accentuates the attributes you want potential employers to see.
2) Create a catchy headline
A headline should be exactly what it says on the tin, eye catching! So, don’t just use it to state your current position. In addition to your role include your main goals and what you’ve achieved. For example, “John, Sales Manager – Exceeded sales targets by 50% three years in a row, now seeking a new sales opportunity!” This will clearly state what you are looking for and is more likely to grab the employer or recruiter’s attention because they can see not only are you looking but you’ve previously been successful.
3) Summarise effectively
Keep it succinct but make it count! Recruiters are unlikely to read and digest a long-winded summary and they will almost certainly glaze over if you use jargon or too many standard buzz words e.g. “passionate”, “innovative”, “focused”.
State clearly what it is you have done and in particular highlight what it is that makes you distinctive. Remember you are trying to stand out in the crowd. Also, briefly include the interests, skills and qualities you possess that are likely to appeal to the employers you want to work for.
4) Include your key achievements
Don’t just list the roles you’ve held with employment dates., include key achievements in each of your roles. This will indicate to potential employers that you are motivated, goal orientated and a "Completer-Finisher", all attributes likely to appeal to employers who themselves will be focusing on achieving results. This tool is there to be used so use it and sell yourself.
5) Ask for those endorsements and recommendations
Endorsements and recommendations are everything, if you can build these up on your profile, do so! Employers will be impressed if previous managers and colleagues have gone out of their way to compliment you and promote you to others.
I hope my tips have given you some helpful and effective ways of improving your LinkedIn profile. Should you have any feedback or questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with me!