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Go Team Mayhem!

FPR Group are delighted to be sponsoring the ladies of the Team Mayhem Netball team who play in the Gosport & Fareham Netball League Division 3. After a brilliant promotion last season, they are hoping to maintain their position season. Go Team Mayhem!

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Will's Special Run

FPR Group is very proud of our own Will Cahill who is in the middle of running 4 marathon's in a day to raise money for his friend Damien Haughan, who was badly injured in a crash in Switzerland last year. The incident, which took place in the Alps, saw Damien fall off his bike on one of the trails,…

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Tom's Knockout!

Congratulations to Tom Macklay from our accounts team who raised £210 for Cancer Research by training for a one off boxing match! Tom trained solidly for three months leading up to the fight where he attended seven gym sessions a week working on cardio whilst learning the basics and then how to…

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Gender Pay Gap Report 2016/2017

We are pleased to provide our first Gender Pay Report. FPR Group is a recruitment business and we are required to include all temporary agency personnel engaged by FPR Group within our figures. We have made the decision to divide the report into three sections.

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The importance of Performance Appraisals

With employment rates at a record high in the UK, it is ever more important to keep your key employees engaged with the future of your company. An effective approach to appraisals will benefit both the employee and your company by meeting their developmental needs, keeping them with you.

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Data Protection - Are you ready for GDPR?

In May 2018 new legislation regarding Data Protection will become law. The General Data Protection Regulations Act 2018 (GDPR) will supersede the Data Protection Act of 1998. There are two key elements of the new legislation. People will have more say over what companies do with their data and it…

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